Before saying anything, I would like to say SORRY to all of my blogdosts. I am writing this post after so many days, I think it could have been my longest break yet. I don’t know wat happen to me? These days I am not in a mood to write anything, not even my favourite passtime of writing blog. This idleness takes me on the rack. I have so many works pending to complete, I have to submit 14 assignments, one project and 2 other writing works before 31st of march and after that exams are also giving me a sneering smile. Oh my God, “bacche ki jaan loge kya…???”
All in vain, the only thing which is on a smooth ride, is my daily routine of Gym. Yeah at last after two months of great effort I m able to restart my regular session and that too in a very dedicated manner (hats off for Farhan……!!!)
A few days ago, I went to Bombay to meet my friend where incidently I met my another friend whom I lost a decade back. [it is little bit difficult to acknowledge anyone specially when you have a memory of childhood image…]. Firstly I was in a doubt that may be I caughta wrong person, I couldn’t able to recognise him as he became a giant and muscular man. The only think I remember of him is his flat nose and curly hair and because of that only I was able to guess him. I never ever had imagined that I would be able to congregate him, but with the God’s grace I was sitting with him in a ‘coffee house of Mumbai central station’. It was a unforgettable moment for both of us.
Well somebody rightly said, that ‘Destiny makes everything possible, if you really wants to meet anyone then God also helps you’.
We reminded our old memories that how we were suspended, lied to parents and were reprimended, bunked school, got 1/10, lost cricket match, discussed girls and even fight with eachother several times. But as time is very fast and makes us busy, he went somewhere and I also had shifted to other place, leaving behind my old friends. All the day long I was with him only talking, discussing and gossiping about our old friends and their activities.
After meeting him I realized the purity of friendship we carried when we were a child. As we grow older, we lose that purity and kindness of friendship. We make friends and do friendship because we need them not because we love them. The life becomes selfish, inside the photogenic faces we carried a dark selfishness, our own interest to think of others.
I remember one phrase said by some (must be) experienced person, “Count your life by smiles not tears, count your age by friends not years”.
Well at the see off time, we exchanged our numbers and promised eachother to meet regularly whenever get a free time. As a Good friend, I gave him an invitation to visit pune and have a blast on weekened (lolss).
Ahhh……I forget to tell you one thing, in the meanwhile I bought a new cellphone for me – Nokia 5310 Xpress Music. It is a wonderful phone specially for the person like me who loves to listen music all the time. So these days I am enjoying with my new phone. I captured some of many good photographs (offcourse of girls also…hehehe), which I will show you later. Till then enjoy music on YOUR PHONE not mine lolllss……
"We make friends and do friendship because we need them not because we love them. The life becomes selfish, inside the photogenic faces we carried a dark selfishness, our own interest to think of others."
ur lines,right?
i think u hav a negative approacrh. Gud to here from you ki ur friends are ur need, u dont love them.......
but according to me frnds r my strength.....smtimes they play a better role then ur family members also......
nd haan congrates for new cell..............where is my party.....
same hectic days ahead.... just now got over with the internal moots.... now presentations, exams projects..... lots there to do..
PRIYANKA - hmmm...actually it was a definition of friendship of present days. But dnt worry i m little bit diff..hehhee..
AJITHA - its ok my dear, i knw u have a lot of work. But still giv me a little bit ur tym and take care ofurself.
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