This blog belongs to the mundane world, where we see, understand and perceive the happenings of the world. The way we mesmerized things of our surrounding, the way we react to those reacting situations, the way we modulate its effects, the way we hold our opinion, anticipate ideas, contemplate life - It all makes the thoughts of life...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Assam tarred by bloody bomb blast ..........
Mumbai ka Raj........!!!!!
The aggressiveness of MNS people or Marathi manoos over UP Bhaiyas and Bihari Babu are taking a turn of political agenda. The recruitment programmes in railway for
Media as usual, in his avatar, dished out every minute detail about Raj’s short stay as a ‘mehmaan’ of the manpada police station. We were told about the bare room, the dark conditions, and the change of clothes….even how traumatic it must have been for Raj to slide out of his comfy Mercedes and into a shaggy police van, when he was picked up. Newspaper and Valuable hours on TV were devoted to this meaningless information. By these Ad-nauseum created by our most helpful Media, Raj became an omnipotent demi-God for the ‘being tyrant MNS people’. Even the bollywood King, Shahrukh khan could also not able to arranged a greater Media coup. A few hours of sitting it out in a lock up generated more national and international publicity for a man who was virtually unknown less than a year ago.
With the help of Media, Raj is riding on a way, in whichever he intended to. He has done his job, he wanted to create MNS party into a political party and he has able to achieve it.
For a person like Raj thakeray, consequences doesn’t matter, he created a big rift between Mumbaikars and Biharis to attain his goal and his position in
Raj through his long and close association with his uncle learnt everything that how to control Mumbai through muscle power, how to hold it to ransom, how to weak the psychological nerves of Mumbaikars and make them against anybody.
In a coming election, Raj definitely wants his seat to come with some political power in his hands or by coalition Dharma. Raj has a political objective to score. But, what about moral one? I wonder where our outspoken intellectuals have disappeared. Why they are silent?
The city of
Mohammed Farhan khan
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Rioter's Right To Pay.....
After many days of struggle, our Government is able to make an alternative or a permanent solution of economic loss during the inhuman riots problem in
In the Bombay Police Act 1951, “there was only a provision to punish these rioters, but now the amendment take place and anybody caught damaging the private as well as public property will have to pay for it.”
MNS members, who were booked by the Police for rioting in the past, are quite lucky to be booked earlier than this Law has its effect and very fortunate also because, the law will not be implemented with ‘retrospective effect’.
Other states also should take inspiration from the Government of Maharashtra or our central government should amend and add this law in our INDIAN CONSTITUTION.
I hope, this law will give a great relief to a large number of people and spread its magic as soon as possible.
Mohammed Farhan khan
Thursday, October 9, 2008
very dangerous word i have ever known...not for me only but for everybody.
I am not so good in studies from my childhood, so it is normal for me to scare from the word EXAMS, its really a very scary word.
I think every children don't like this word, majority of students are like me (lucky), but those who likes exams, unfortunately i have to say,"they are abnormal person on this earth" (ha-ha..).
These days also i m suffering from some ailment, which i called "Examination fever", but the only medicine for this fever is to do hard word (which i m not doing well..) and getting pass the exam as soon as possible.
Doctors (Teachers) of this fever are very cruel, they always want us to give this fever....hope when we will become a teacher, we will not create such a big disaster ailment for our sweet, little, innocent children.
So, this is the problem, thats why i m not able to write articles as fast as i did, but inshallah i will after fighting this ailment (ha-ha...)
bye n take care friends
Ma'as salaamah
[ Don't be serious friends, i have written all this in a prank mood ha-ha-ha ]
Thursday, October 2, 2008
ROCK ON ....Roxxx....!!!!!!!!!

After so many days, at last I have seen the movie ROCK ON last night, it was a long delay since I have written one article on it, but then also I was not sure, when I will get a time, but yesterday it was possible and I saw it. I was very much fond of this movie, coz it seemed to be the biggest hit of this year and it has made and acted by my favourite director and now the actor ‘Farhan Akhtar’. Don’t think that I m also having a same name that’s why he became my favourite, actually he has a capability to do something good (hope I will also...), so he became my favourite.
Well guys, movie was totally different, what should I call ‘fantastic movie’, but the Film is for the youngsters (basically young generation type...), so may be aged person don’t like its theme (don’t go with your parents, otherwise they will not go with you again...hehehe), but I have a say for them, see the theme and idea of the movie, you will definitely like the direction and cinematography.
Farhan Akhtar, there is no word for him; I became wordless coz he has done a fabulous job. Apart from him, Arjun rampal had chosen a very typical role, it seems role was made perfectly for him or he has moulded himself in the mood of Joe (his name in movie). Purab Kohli, very natural actor, dances very well when he is in his full mood, I have noted him in the film many times his rock stars nature. Luke Kenny, debutant actor, looking very sweet in the movie. Every guy in the movie has played an important role for the success of the movie, choreography and songs of the movie is pretty good and commendable.
We need these types of different movie in our Bollywood with some good direction and songs, hope in future, may some directors and producer will make some interesting movies like this.
Enjoy reading,
Mohammed Farhan Khan